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May 24, 2023


Newcomer Business Navigation program launches in County

Pictou County, NS – The Pictou County Partnership have launched a new wrap around program developed to better support the needs of immigrant entrepreneurs in starting a business or becoming self-employed.

The province will contribute $221,025 to the Partnership’s free Newcomer Business Navigation program, effective April 3, 2023, confirmed until March 31, 2026, with extension opportunity.

The unique program will follow a one-on-one customized approach intending to support newcomer economic and community integration with the additional opportunity to match participants with existing businesses looking to sell. Participants will have access to a self-directed learning platform to support them in developing their business. The program will allow flexibility to newcomers, supporting the maintenance of current employment.

The program has been developed as a retention initiative to help immigrant newcomers in our community reach their full potential. Pictou County employers are very supportive of hiring international talent which makes our community stronger. “The Partnership sees a lot of potential to retain the talent employers have attracted to our region with this program,” said Becky Cowen, Manager of Workforce Development and Immigration.

The Partnership will use their immigration, local business, and business navigation knowledge to successfully implement the first of its kind program within the province. Program participants will be connected to partner economic development organizations including but not limited to the New Glasgow Farmers’ Market, The Mentoring Plus Strategy, and Ignite. Additionally, workshops will be available to newcomers, offering the opportunity to gain a sense of community while working on the development of their business.

“We realized early on in our conversations with aspiring newcomer entrepreneurs that there is significant desire to contribute to our community economically in ways that go beyond workforce participation,” said Wade Tibbo, Manager of Business Development and Innovation at the Pictou County Partnership. “We also realize there are barriers present for newcomers in starting a business or becoming self employed that are not necessarily there for other entrepreneurs. We are excited by the scope of ideas we’ve already heard to address service gaps and potential innovations. By helping newcomer businesses get off the ground, we are fostering a thriving and inclusive business community that celebrates diversity.”


Media Contact:  
Heather Knight
Pictou County Partnership