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Public Perceptions of Low Trophic Aquaculture in Pictou County, Nova Scotia

The Pictou County Partnership and the Aquaculture Association of Nova Scotia are interested in exploring the possibility of an Aquaculture Development Area for Pictou County, and we want to hear from you!

The geography of Pictou County provides excellent conditions for sea plant and shellfish farming, but one of the entry barriers for new farms is the complex provincial License and Lease application process. Aquaculture Development Areas support ‘easier entry’ shellfish and marine plant aquaculture opportunities by identifying areas for potential marine aquaculture development through a science-based collaborative review process.

As a first step, we have partnered with Dalhousie University to understand community perceptions and priorities for sea plant and shellfish aquaculture in Pictou County. We hope you will take our survey, and we value your participation. 

October 2023 Update: View the ADA Survey Report